3 Reasons Mold May Keep Returning To Your Home
6/10/2021 (Permalink)
Why Does Mold Keep Returning Back?
When mold invades your Buckingham, PA, home, the results can be distressing. This can be especially true of black mold, which tends to grow quickly after a flood and may be difficult to remove. Understanding why this occurs and how to handle it may assist you with banishing this foul fungus from your home for good.
1. Using Bleach To Clean Mold
While bleach may seem like an effective mold cleanup solution, it can only make the problem worse. Mold thrives on moisture and the high water content in bleach usually only increases favorable conditions for growth. While bleach can change the color of mold patches and appears to affect it, it is likely the fungus will return and even grow faster afterward.
2. Leaking Pipes
Leaking pipes hidden away from sight, such as those in your basement, can cause black mold to return, even after repeated cleanings. Interior wall pipes in your basement and under kitchen or bathroom sinks that leak out of sight can cause mold patches to grow repeatedly. Checking hidden pipes at least a few times a year can resolve this issue and banish mold for good.
3. Ineffective DIY Solutions
Using mold solutions you can find at a local home hardware store may remove mold, but few stop it from returning. Mold spores may also travel through your home's heating and cooling pipes when you use do-it-yourself cleaning products, allowing those spores to settle elsewhere and grow anew. Contacting mold remediation and cleanup service can ensure any mold patches are cleaned up with commercial-grade solutions and that knowledgeable mold technicians provide you with long-term solutions that prevent fungi from re-invading your home.
It may seem that black mold appeared at your Buckingham, PA, home without warning after the initial cleaning. However, fungi can return quickly when the cleaning methods are not as effective as it needs to be, especially in the case of more serious growths.